Links of the week #16

Lots of things to share this week and I even have a treat at the end, so stick with me


Jeaniene Frost posted a series of videos from the panel she was on at the C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo), quite the line-up on authors: Video snippets from C2E2

Writer Business

The lovely J.A. Saare shared some sad facts of the business this week in her post Support Authors and she has a new release which is a must read in my opinion

Write Fresh

Two favs together, must have been the last Friday of the month yesterday 🙂 Tiffany Lawson Inman was at Writers In The Storm yesterday 13 Step Starter Guide to America’s Next Top…Novel?

It must have been the week for favs coming together, because Margie Lawson was at Jenny Hansen’s this week with Uber-Cool, Unboring Writing! by Margie Lawson<– I’m going to be studying this post for a while


Lynnette Labelle posted The Three-Act Structure – Part 1 and she provides tips of what to watch out for


I just finished Angela James’ Before You Hit Send workshop and loved it!! I have so much to re-read and soak in, but I’ve got a plan of action now. YEAH!! This week Rachelle Gardner had a 3-part series entitled: Strategies for Writers. The last post is entitled How to Cut Thousands of Words Without Shedding a Tear. It was a great post and hit on several ideas I’ve been digesting.

Act 1

Roni Loren provides several excellent nuggets in her post this week entitled: Testing Your Opening Scene – 5 Steps  #atozchallenge she provides a test for your opening scene, a warning and a craft book suggestion


Jami Gold had a guest this week, Roz from Nail Your Novel- Tips for Writing Back Cover Copy — Guest: Roz Morris

Now for the treat, thanks for sticking with me…

I can’t tell you how many times I come across a song, fell completely in love, mention it to my DH (a musician), and he responds: “yeah, they’re great, you’d like their last album too.” If he thought I’d like them why, oh why doesn’t he mention it?!?!…lightbulb idea…I gave the DH (Jeffrey) an ongoing assignment: each week he will send me a video or clip of music that he is currently loving AND I will share it with all of you. He’s even explaining in his own words why he loves it 🙂

Music from Jeffrey #1

This a band called, Punch Brothers.  The leader, Chris Thile, gained popularity by playing in the folk group, Nickel Creek (also an incredible group).  He’s considered a mandolin prodigy.   He also happens to be a great singer/songwriter and an UNBELIEVABLE musician.  He assembled this group of musicians, who match his high level of musicianship, to form the Punch Brothers.

The thing that I love about this group is that, while they are all top-level musicians, their music is not drenched in music “wizardry”.  The tunes are fantastic, complex without being exclusionary. Plus, the way they play together is the very definition of the phrase, “this is how it’s done.”

From the album: who’s feeling young now

Did you see my Flash Fiction from yesterday? Be sure to come back tomorrow for two posts: my ROW80 check-in (I’ll have another clip from the Punch Brothers, this clip rocks and gives you a chance to see how different this group can sound) and my Six Sentence Sunday

6 thoughts on “Links of the week #16

  1. Pingback: ROW80 check-in #16 « S. J. Maylee

  2. Pingback: Links of the week #17 « S. J. Maylee

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