Links of the week #15

My list isn’t as long this week. Dear husband is out of town, gigging in Hawaii without me. Bummer. I’m staying home with the kiddos and my mother arrived yesterday…can you say time suck. Anyways, my list is shorter, but each one is a gem.

Kristen Lamb’s post from Monday struck a big cord with me, The Secret to Success–Quitting. As a pre-published writer (love this) I’m working on a million different things: getting words on the page, plotting, editing, character arch, my skills, my organization…and many times over the last few months I feel like I’m hitting a wall. Now, instead of thinking about persistence , I’m going to think about quitting and starting again.

Another week and still a lot going around about the the 50 Shades of Grey (my mom actually mentioned it yesterday :D). Kathy Kulig posted 50 Shades of Grey: Hot Lessons for Authors. Love this post, because there is something to learn here and Kathy gets to it. Oh, and she has the coolest header on her site.

Lots of RT recaps this week and each one deepened my ache from not being there myself. I had to link to Jeaniene Frost’s two posts this week, simply because they were entertaining and funny. RT recap, days 1 and 2 & RT recap, Day 3

Jennette Marie Powell tells a little tale with a happy ending, must read: The Book I Waited Years to Read

Aimee L. Salter over at Seeking the Write Life posted a topic I needed right now and you do too if you have any fears with your writing: Give Yourself Permission


Roni Loren provides some insight to her process and tips too The (Not So) Dreaded Synopsis  #atozchallenge


Janice Hardy explained why some days are easier to write and others I stare blankly at the page. Prep Work: Ways to be a More Productive Writer, Part 2

Social Media

Yesterday Kristen Lamb posted about hashtags and automation with twitter. I’ve actually been a bit worried about my twitter stream lately, ever since I joined tribes on Triberr. I love Triberr! Not only do I have quick access to many blogs I love, but I get to easily share them with my followers too. BUT, now if you look at my twitter stream on any given day, chances are you’ll see a slew of Triberr tweets before you’ll find one of my live tweets. Urgh. Okay, thank you Kristen for this timely post: Hash Tags—The Trouble with Twitter Tribbles

Thanks for stopping by. Come back tomorrow for my SixSunday offering and, if you missed it, don’t forget to check out my Flash Fiction from Friday.

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